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The Best Ostrich Feather Deals In USA

Ostrich feather costume

Ostrich Feathers In Costume And Performance Design

Ostrich feathers have been used in costume and performance design for centuries. They are a popular choice due to their unique, eye-catching look and the fact that they're one of the most lightweight types of feathers available. These plumes can be found everywhere from theater productions to high fashion runways. In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at how ostrich feathers are being used in costumes and performances today.

Ostrich feather use is incredibly versatile: they can be dyed almost any color imaginable, allowing designers to create looks that range from subtle to exaggerated. The ability to craft such a variety of looks has made them a go-to material for many different kinds of costumes and performances. From romantic gowns for ballets to futuristic jumpsuits for rock concerts, ostrich feathers offer endless possibilities when it comes to creating memorable designs.

Check here:

Flexible Feathers (9-12")

Flexible Feathers (11-14")

Flexible Feathers (13-16")

History Of Ostrich Feather Use

Ostrich feathers have been used in costume and performance design for centuries. From their use as a status symbol of wealth among the nobility to modern day runway designs, ostrich feathers are seen as a luxurious fabric that can add an air of elegance and sophistication to any outfit or performance piece.

The earliest documented use of ostrich feathers dates back to Ancient Egypt where they were used by Pharaohs and members of the upper class as symbols of power, wealth, and prestige. During this time, only those with enough money could afford them due to their rarity and high cost. In Europe during the Renaissance period these feathers became even more popular when King Henry VIII began wearing them on his clothing and headdresses. Later in 18th century France ostrich plumes graced the heads of fashionable society women who wore tall coiffures known as “poufs' ' which made it possible to incorporate multiple layers of large colorful feathery decorations into their hairstyles.

In today's fashion world ostrich feathers continue to be highly sought after materials used in both everyday wear and couture creations alike. Designers often employ unique color combinations and dramatic shapes that make each item truly one-of-a-kind. Some designers also take advantage of the natural iridescence found in some types of ostrich plumage while others may opt to dye them different colors or blend several shades together depending on what look they're trying to create.

As well as being used in traditional dressmaking techniques, ostrich feathers can also be employed creatively within contemporary theatrical performances such as ballets or operas where costumes play a critical role in conveying story elements or emotions through movement or music. Whether worn alone or combined with other fabrics, ostrich feathers help bring characters alive onstage providing performers with visually stunning costumes that audiences will remember long after curtain call has ended.

Types Of Ostrich Feathers

Ostrich feathers come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, making them ideal for costume and performance design. They are typically categorized by their length - short, medium or long. Short ostrich feathers range from 2 to 6 inches in length and can be used to make eye-catching accents on costumes. Medium ostrich feathers measure between 8 and 12 inches and are often featured prominently on stage performances as they tend to attract attention while providing ample movement that adds drama to the overall effect. Longer ostrich feathers may reach up to 18 inches in length, which makes them an excellent choice for full body pieces such as bodysuits or gowns.

When selecting ostrich feathers for costume design, it is important to consider other factors besides length such as color, texture, curl type and quill stiffness. Ostrich feathers are available in a multitude of colors ranging from subtle pastels to bold neons depending on the dyeing process used. Additionally, some types have soft texture whereas others boast stiff texture with sharp tips that stand upright when touched lightly. Different curl patterns also provide variation with open curls being more common than closed ones due to its versatility across multiple styles. Lastly, quills vary greatly among different species but generally speaking if you’re after some extra stability during use then opt for stronger quills over softer varieties.

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BULK Ostrich Feather Tails

BULK Ostrich Feather Spads


In terms of where these feathers come from there is no shortage of suppliers offering ethically sourced products so you don't have worry about compromising your standards. The most commonly used type comes from the South African Ostrich whose fluffy downy plumes create stunning displays onstage or offstage alike; however there are many other sources out there including those harvested from Australian Emu birds who produce shorter yet still beautiful items perfect for smaller projects like headpieces or gloves.

Working with ostrich feathers can be a rewarding experience given their unique characteristics – just remember to select quality items that meet your project's requirements before diving into creating something extraordinary!

Benefits Of Ostrich Feathers

Ostrich feathers have become a popular choice for costume and performance design because of the unique texture, color, and shape they offer. Their versatility makes them ideal for creating intricate designs with an eye-catching flair that stands out from other materials. But ostrich feathers also provide several more practical benefits when used in costume and performance design. From durability to lightweight comfort, here are just some of the advantages of using ostrich feathers.

One key benefit of ostrich feather use is their extreme durability. Unlike most fabrics which can quickly wear down or tear if not handled properly, ostrich feathers maintain their original form despite intense usage and contact with sharp objects like jewelry or metal props. This means designers don’t need to worry about having to replace broken pieces during performances due to rough handling or accidents.

Another great advantage of ostrich feather use is its lightness; since they are incredibly thin yet still able to resist tearing, they provide excellent protection without adding extra weight on performers’ costumes. Ostrich feathers are often used as trims and decorations on garments so that performers can feel comfortable wearing them throughout long shows without worrying about feeling weighed down by heavy material.

Finally, one last major perk of using ostrich feathers is their variety in size, shape, and color options available compared to other types of decorative fabric such as sequins or beading. While these traditional materials tend to come in limited selections, ostrich feathers give designers access to a much wider range of choices for completing any look desired—from subtle accents all the way up to grandiose displays guaranteed to wow audiences every time.

Using these amazing features combined together make ostriches an ideal tool for designing looks meant for costume and performance artistry alike—so why not take advantage?

Dyeing Ostrich Feathers

Ostrich feathers have many clear benefits when used in costume and performance design. They are lightweight, yet hardy; their size can help create striking silhouettes; and they come in a variety of natural hues that stays vibrant when dyed properly. However, to truly make an impact with ostrich feathers, it's important to know how to dye them correctly.

There are two primary methods for dyeing ostrich feathers: immersion dying and airbrushing. With the first method, you must immerse the feather in hot dye solution until it has been completely colored. This will ensure even coverage on both sides of the feather while maintaining its natural texture. Airbrush dying is another option which involves spraying the feather with a fine mist of pigmented dyes from all angles. This technique allows for more control over color intensity as well as creating intricate designs by blending multiple colors together through layering techniques.

When using either method, be sure to wear proper protective gear such as gloves and face masks because dyes often contain hazardous chemicals that may irritate your skin or cause respiratory issues if inhaled directly. It’s also wise practice to do a test run before attempting any large-scale projects since this will give you an idea of what effects different dyes may have on the material being dyed. Additionally, always remember to rinse off excess dye after each use and let the feathers dry naturally instead of using artificial heat sources like hairdryers or straighteners – doing so could damage their delicate structure.

No matter which type of dyeing process you choose for your project, taking the extra time to learn about safe handling practices beforehand will go a long way towards achieving beautiful results without compromising safety or quality standards along the way.

Using Ostrich Feathers In Costume Design

Ostrich feathers have a long and illustrious history as part of costume design, used to adorn everything from ballroom gowns to masquerade outfits. From ancient Egypt up through the Victorian era, ostrich plumes were prized for their drama, texture, and versatility. Today’s designers are continuing this tradition by incorporating these magnificent feathers into modern looks that stand out on stage or in everyday life.

The most iconic use of ostrich feather is undoubtedly the show-stopping headdress seen at carnivals around the world. These ornate works of art range from towering monuments with multiple tiers to simpler designs featuring just one large feather fanning out above the wearer’s head. Ostrich feathers also add elegant movement when cascading down dresses or skirts; often dramatic black or white accents against bright colors will make an entrance unforgettable.

For performers looking for something more subtle than over-the-top glamour, ostrich wings can be added lightly to jackets or even used as epaulets on blouses. This versatile material can also create interesting textures when it's layered onto bodices and corsets—from classic ballet tutus to contemporary costumes, feathers can bring an extra element of fantasy without needing too much embellishment elsewhere. Additionally, they offer stability and structure when incorporated into structural pieces like capes or cloaks – perfect for theatrical productions where costuming must meet both style and safety requirements.

Whether you're working on a grand spectacle or designing something special for a private occasion, ostrich feathers should definitely not be forgotten! They provide timeless elegance while still allowing room for creative expression — making them ideal elements in any costume designer's repertoire.

Using Ostrich Feathers In Performance Design

Costume design is just the beginning when it comes to ostrich feathers. They can also be used in performance design, from theater and dance to circus arts and beyond. This section will explore how these beautiful feathers can be incorporated into a variety of performances for stunning visual effects.

Ostrich plumes are ideal for large-scale theatrical productions where there is ample space on stage or in an auditorium. For example, they can be attached to backdrops or props as part of set decoration and provide gorgeous visuals throughout the show. The way light reflects off them creates stunning patterns that add depth and interest to any production. Additionally, actors can use feathered fans or boas during dramatic scenes to create a sense of grandeur and drama.

In addition, ostrich plumes make an excellent prop for dancers who want to add texture and movement to their routines. Whether it’s traditional ballet pieces or more contemporary works, incorporating feathery elements gives spectators something extra special to look at while providing performers with interesting cues within choreography. Plus, many styles of dancing draw inspiration from nature - what better way than by adding real bird feathers? With careful handling, these delicate adornments can bring beauty and gracefulness to any number of dances.

Finally, circuses often rely heavily on ostriches as well as their feathers for entertainment purposes. From acrobats wearing colorful costumes enhanced with plumes to clowns using oversized feather dusters as props – ostrich feathers have become an essential component of this art form over time thanks their size and ability to catch the eye even from far away places in the audience seats!

The possibilities don’t end there; no matter what type of performance you’re creating, ostrich feathers offer an easy way to take your vision up a notch with minimal effort required!

Ideas For Ostrich Feather Projects

Ostrich feathers have been used as a costume and performance design element for many years, making them an ideal choice for creating unique pieces for any show or production. There are countless ways to incorporate ostrich feathers into any project; from simple embellishments such as feather headpieces and boas, to elaborate costumes with full skirts made of layers of plumes. Feather earrings can add the perfect touch of whimsy to a character's look, while wall hangings adorned with feathers will help transform any stage set into something truly special.

Another popular use of ostrich feathers is in dance performances, where they can be used to create dynamic movements and visually stunning effects when incorporated into choreography. For instance, adding floating clouds of ostrich feathers that performers move through during contemporary dances makes for beautiful visuals that audience members won't soon forget. Ostrich feather fans also make great props in theatrical productions - they can be manipulated by actors on stage to communicate emotions, stories, or transitions between scenes.

Costume designers who want more subtle uses of ostrich feathers should consider incorporating them into accessories like hats or bags. Adding trimming along necklines or hemlines provides just enough texture without overwhelming the piece – it’s a great way to bring some extra elegance to formalwear designs too. As mentioned before, feather earrings are another easy-to-make accessory which adds a lighthearted air wherever it appears.

These projects prove that there are nearly endless possibilities when working with ostrich feathers – no matter what kind of creative endeavor you're embarking upon, these versatile materials can do wonders! With their ability to elevate even the simplest ideas into awe-inspiring works of art, using ostrich feathers in your next project is sure to take it up several notches!

Caring For Ostrich Feathers

Ostrich feathers provide a beautiful texture, color, and shape to costume and performance designs. They are eye-catching and luxurious additions that can truly transform an ensemble. Taking proper care of these delicate materials is essential in order to preserve their beauty for years to come.

To start off, it's important to clean the feathers carefully with appropriate products like feather dusters or dry cleaning solutions specifically designed for ostrich feathers. Be sure not to use any harsh detergents or solvents on them - these will damage the feathers over time. It's also advisable to store your feathers away from direct sunlight or heat sources as this could cause fading or discoloration of the plumes.

If you need to stitch the feathers onto an outfit, be mindful when using needles or pins so as not to pierce too deeply into the quills - this could weaken them and lead to breakage. Carefully hand sew around each feather instead. Additionally, you may wish to add extra security measures such as tying knots between individual strands of feather trimming before attaching them onto garments just in case one quill comes loose during wear or washing.

When storing your items made with ostrich feathers, make sure they are placed flat in boxes lined with acid-free tissue paper rather than hanging up on hangers which would put unnecessary strain on them; this will ensure optimal preservation of the material’s quality over time. With regular maintenance and careful handling, you should have no problem keeping your beloved ostrich feathered creations looking stunningly beautiful!

Finding Quality Ostrich Feathers

Once you have a clear understanding of how to properly care for ostrich feathers, it's time to start thinking about where you can find quality ones. First off, the best place to purchase them is from professionals who specialize in costume and performance design rather than retail stores. They will often be able to provide advice on which type of feather would work best for your particular project and offer better prices due to their access to wholesale suppliers. Furthermore, they'll be more likely to carry a wide selection of colors and sizes so that you can make sure that whatever you buy fits with your vision exactly.

It's also important that any supplier of ostrich feathers adheres strictly to ethical standards when sourcing their materials. Make sure they're getting their feathers only from sustainable farms or reputable hatcheries since wild-caught birds are protected by law. Additionally, ask questions about whether any treatments such as de-dusting or acid baths were used during production; these processes may damage the integrity of the feather itself and should generally be avoided if possible.

Another way you can ensure quality when buying ostrich feathers is through reviews from other customers who've purchased similar products before. Check out websites like Etsy or Amazon for customer feedback on certain brands or individual items; this could give you insight into what kind of experience others had with the product prior to purchasing it yourself. This might even help narrow down potential options based on customer satisfaction levels reported online – definitely something worth considering if budget isn't an issue!

Ultimately, finding quality ostrich feathers takes some research but is well worth the effort in order to get high-quality materials for your costume or performance designs. With careful consideration given towards both price point and ethical sourcing practices, plus thorough reviews taken into account before making any purchases, you'll soon be ready to take flight with beautiful results!


In conclusion, ostrich feathers are an excellent choice for both costume and performance design. They offer a unique look that can't be achieved with other materials, along with the benefit of being lightweight and easy to dye. I recommend finding quality ostrich feathers from a trusted supplier to ensure you get the best possible product. With proper care and handling, you'll have beautiful costumes or stage performances adorned with these amazing feathers!